Warrior Centric Health
is a Vizient Awarded Supplier
Vizient is the nation’s largest healthcare performance improvement company, providing network-powered insights in the critical areas of clinical, operational and supply chain performance, and empowering members to deliver exceptional, cost-effective care.
Warrior Centric Health has been honored to become an “awarded supplier” to Vizient members.
Vizient Makes the WCH Solution
Suite Even More Accessible
Starting down the path to becoming an Authorized WCH Facility (and reaping the benefits) is particularly easy for Vizient members. You get both a radically streamlined purchasing process and potentially significant additional financial rewards.
Simply log in to your Vizient Member account and search “Warrior Centric Health” to begin.
We’re convinced implementing Veteran Population Health Services offers an important new path to overall improvement in American healthcare… (T)he WCH Solution Suite surfaced as the most reliable and cost-effective way for our members to begin implementing these strategies immediately. We are eager for members to begin seeing the results.
— Chris Moreland, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Advocate, Vizient